Millenials and Manners


Whatever happened to children born post the 1990’s.

Was there something in the food that their mother’s ate or something that caused this huge gap between them and their peers?

Or did they just fell on their heads?

I have interacted with many millennials, and they are just plain disgusting human beings. If you are a millennial and you are reading this, no pun intended.

jirrr they are rude….

They have to be rewarded for everything they do.

They are materialistic, like some people I know, imagine…

They do not do anything if it does not benefit them.

Whatever has happened to doing something and not getting anything out of it and just have that feeling of ‘’I did that, or I contributed to that’’ feel good vibes embrace you?

I dropped my car keys the other day, waiting for my lunch order.

A millennial was standing next to me.

I was waiting for the manly approach of him offering to pick up my keys.

Yes, I demand such mannerisms with my looks. Have you ever seen me? Then don’t roll your eyes. And no I am not conceited, it is called self esteem.

However this boytjie could not be phased.

He moved infront of me, not acknowledging that I am a female and his elder and that he should be courteous, no he thought I was trying to steal his spot.. even if I did, the punk, he should have let it slide if he had any pride in his bones, because I am a lady. And no, lets not even go to the we are equal crap. It is just good plain old manners. And yep, he didn’t offer to pick up my key.

I had to bend it like beckham and pick it up while the brother was unphased by what just happened.

Bend it like beckham in a mini skirt and heels, imagine… luckily it was in Walvisbay and not Windhoek.. My love for minis skirts also…

Walvisbay there is no talent, so I was not worried about my image….lol.

And this millennial, is not older than 15 or so.


My 3year old son, if he gives me something and I say thank you, he replies it was my pleasure mummy….

So this other boy has a lot to learn hey.

And that is what is happening in the dating scene also, these boys, kids, or men, whatever they should be called nowadays is not phased by a woman, they don’t pursue they don’t fight, they just do not go the extra mile…


Uncouth millennial

5 thoughts on “Millenials and Manners

  1. 😂 Oh my gosh… this is so true! People just don’t know how to say thank you anymore, open doors for those behind them, etc. No manners. You taught your son well!


      1. You’re very welcome! Your posts speak truth, so I’m sure he will make you proud. He’s got a great teacher! 🙂


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